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Quality, Environment and Safety Policy

Quality, Environment and Safety Policy

At Sogrape we make a daily commitment to foster our business based on our culture of friendship and happiness, to preserve, respect and protect the places and communities where we operate.

This Quality, Environment and Safety Policy (hereinafter "Quality Policy" or "Policy") aims to reinforce this commitment, in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015, ensuring a rational use of energy and resources, developing and improving the performance of processes and the Environmental Management System.

Our Commitment

To our customers

  • To identify and meet their needs, tastes and preferences
  • To offer authentic, innovative and sustainable wines
  • To ensure the quality and safety of our products
  • Respect for the environment, communities and for life on earth

To our clients

  • Consistent supply of high quality wines and great brands
  • Building partnerships based on transparency, competency and rigour
  • To surpass their needs through speed and excellence of product and services

To our people

  • Combining our family spirit with a culture of high performance teamwork
  • Promoting a work/life balance that inspires and brings happiness
  • Developing our employees and their competences, challenging them to be courageous and agile in order to be innovative and create value
  • To respect individuality and diversity
  • To create working conditions that are increasingly safe and healthy, encouraging and enabling the participation of all employees in the improvement process

To our suppliers

  • Developing partnership relations, adopting sustainable buying decisions
  • Favouring demanding, sensible and lasting relationships
  • Demanding continuous improvement of the quality of products, services and of sustainable practices

To the environment

  • Minimising environmental impacts, seeking a balanced management of natural resources, contributing towards decarbonization and preservation of biodiversity
  • Promoting environmental training by clarifying individual and collective responsibilities
  • Developing products and processes with lower environmental impact
  • Commitment to continuous improvement in the context of environmental management

To society

  • Respect for the places in which we operate and seeking ways to improve them
  • Complying with the law in all aspects and respect for business ethics
  • Promoting moderate and responsible consumption of our wines

To our shareholders

  • Effort, competency, courage, and sense of responsibility
  • Speedy organisation and culture of excellency
  • Sustained growth and profitability of capital invested
  • Seeking for overall sustainability of the business in relation to future generations

14th July 2021