Sogrape joins U-Label project
In a commitment to its Global Sustainability Approach, Sogrape is the only Portuguese wine company among the first 15 to join the European project, aiming to increase the transparency of the information provided to its consumers and promote more responsible consumption.
The new platform, promoted in a joint initiative of the Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins (CEEV) and spiritsEUROPE, allows wine and spirits companies to easily create electronic labels and provide consumers with relevant and transparent information in their own language through a QR Code. The e-labels display, among other things, the name, picture, product category, country of provenance, the list of ingredients, the nutrition declaration, some information on the sustainability of the product, and messages on responsible consumption.
The pilot project starts with Mateus, the first to offer these electronic labels in European markets, from the beginning of 2022.